abbott squirms again

  1. 47,577 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    It seems Tony Abbott's gaffes are getting worse.

    According to an article in The Age online by Heath Aston and Daniel Hirst; "Tony Abbott's gay marriage fashion statement under fire"

    Just how dumb and offensive is it for an aspiring PM to talk about gays and fashion at the same time? Sheeesh!

    Even worse and as per his normal reaction, Abbott's response is to duck-n-weave instead of copping it on his glass jaw and undertaking to wake up to himself in future.

    Even the manner in which he paraded his daughter in public today to soften his image with females was cringe worthy and in pretty poor taste - her unflattering body hugging outfit even reminded me of Abbott's budgie smugglers. I felt sorry for her that her daggy daddy was dragging her through political doggie doo.
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