abbott to axe gonski schools funding, page-2

  1. 5,757 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 257
    Abbott's true colours are now on display, playing Politics with our school kids future, i agree with Julia, lets take it to the people in September.

    Shame Tony shame.

    Coalition pours scorn on Gillard's Gonski warning.

    The Federal Government has been criticised over its attempt to break the Gonski school funding stalemate with the states and territories.

    The Prime Minister wants a national agreement on the changes by the end of June, but so far only New South Wales has signed up.

    Julia Gillard has vowed to take her campaign directly to voters to secure further agreement.

    She says Australian schools will receive an extra $16.2 billion over six years under the Gonski reforms.

    Yesterday she publicly released a breakdown of the funding that the average school in each jurisdiction stands to lose if they refuse the deal.

    The figures range from more than $4 million per school in the Northern Territory to around $600,000 in Western Australia.

    "They are resources that could be used in schools for literacy coaches, for extra teachers' aides," Ms Gillard said on Sunday.

    "It's the nation's choice. Better schools putting our kids first, or school cutbacks and a lesser standard of education
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