Dust,It is people like you who think that the World can be made...

  1. 422 Posts.

    It is people like you who think that the World can be made fair and just and perfect by your Socialist permissive agenda that is hastening the end for all of us!

    You criticize the God given right of a parent who loves and is responsible under God to discipline their child but I do not hear you giving any criticism of the Mass of Violence that the Govt agencies such as Police and Armed Forces dish out to those that do not act according to their wishes.

    How is it wrong for Loving a Parent not to be able to use what force they think necessary to discipline their child but a Govt can go as far as Killing People that do not comply with its beliefs even in Countries outside our own.

    Also why do you support a Body of Politicians ( UN ), elected by Politicians who have no Real authority or Power to do anything, to keep butting in to every ones Business when they themselves use War to achieve their objectives and make huge amounts of Money in the process?

    You just can't stop pushing your socialist agenda and looking for any reason to attack the current Govt, if it was Rudd or Gillard who said it I'm sure you would be singing a different Tune!

    Humans under their own Leadership have gone from Bad to Worse as the only way all People can be safe and Live in Harmony is when their is ONE set of Rules, Principles and Standards that are for the benefit of all People and not for Profit of a few, but sadly Humans turned away from that guidance and not you or your Socialist, permissive Mates are going to change what is inevitable for Humans to learn how smart they really are!

    Good Day

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