abbotts dangerous words re hitting children, page-8

  1. 13,428 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 34
    Good on you Dust, maximum exploitation of the vulnerable as always, for your cheap shots.

    Make parents who love their kids feel guilty and inadequate because they occasionally do what parents have reluctantly done to their kids for 1000's of years.

    You're as useful as tits on a bull

    You can always be relied upon to take decent people and or their intentions and twist them into a grotesque parody.

    Nargajuna ..who said it was a badge of honour?

    And who asked the UN to stick their beaks in on it anyway?

    It's not as if the UN'S core responsibilities are returning such faaaaaaabulous results that they're twiddling their thumbs.

    We have plenty of bodies in Australia to advise on these issue, a parental slap on the backside isn't illegal and only a certified lunatic would suggest it should be.

    Stick to what you're good at Dust.. helping send our manufacturing overseas.
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