abbott's man donnelly wants religion in school, page-32

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    "You only have to look at Tony Abbott to see what religion can do to a child!"

    excellent observation

    "When religion is forced into our education system you know their are serious dangers to our children's upbringing."


    Using a prime minister as some sort of religion gone wrong detracts from your argument. He is a pillar of society

    subjective comment thus not actually a fact

    and has dedicated his life to this country and volunteered to help others. I'd say his the perfect example of Christianity.

    Tony is a supporter of the profits-before-people corporate agenda. thus it is imposssible he can be a true Christian because what he represents is the very opposite of what Jesus of Nazareth tried to teach

    Nicky James. what would you know about Christianity, which actually forbids drunkenness & sex outside of life long commitment?

    Jesus taught: "when a man joins himself to a woman, they become one flesh. let man not separate what God has put together."

    Tony Abbott has had sex outside of marriage

    When Abbott was 19, his girlfriend became pregnant and claimed Abbott was the biological father. The couple did not marry and put the child up for adoption.

    Abbot is simply a career politician & bully boy. imo, his religious profession is related to enhancing his public image

    And you used the words "a serious danger to our children's upbringing". Honestly mate, with all of the things our children are exposed to on a day to day basis, religion is way way down on the lower scale of danger to our children.

    it is dangerous as it brainwashes them

    I'm a catholic who leans more towards being an atheist

    the sexual exploits you have openly bragged about on this forum shows you are definitely not a catholic.

    theism vs atheism is irrelevant since many atheists do not exploit desperate & gullible women sexually. instead, these atheists are moral & ethical

    so personally, i would prefer religion to take a back seat at school because i feel as though there is so much more a child could learn of value.

    I went to a catholic high school. during our era, we had religion class each day but were never taught religion. instead, we had discussions about general social matters so we could learn to think critically & ethically.

    HOWEVER, as i said, if religion could be taught in a way that it develops the child as a person, then i am all for it.

    human ethics are not intrinsically related to Christianity or religion

    religion forbids promiscuous or any kind of inconsiderate sex.

    As i said, if religion makes you a better person, then go for it.

    what makes you a better person is not getting drunk & exploiting drunken women sexually

    most women that get involved in clubbing & drunken sex do not have the capacity to be good mothers, which is the cornerstone of a good society

    when we sexually objectify & use women, we actually destroy the very fabric of a good society

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