SniderMatey, lets be honest. When promoting self interest one...

  1. 5,919 Posts.

    Matey, lets be honest. When promoting self interest one should not (and cannot) be dishonest by adulterating facts and at the same time expect to be taken seriously.

    You are I assume (I assume much like you assumed that I was government employed) an employer. Your objective is to increase your take. You should come out and say so. You should not hide your objective behind bull dust about the good of the economy or promotion of employment. Since when have these types of motives been the concern of business? Go ask companies (or their redundant employees) like Qantas (who have out-sourced their maintenance to other countries) or, likewise, Testra with their overseas call centres, or the multitude of Australian companies that have moved their manufacturing operation to export platform countries, how their corporate decisions fit in with seeking benefit to Australians and the national interest.

    The promotion of ulterior motives behind the pleading to act in the broader interest gets up a lot of peoples noses, myself included.

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