I want Abbott to get real and win this darn election...Good...

  1. 4,293 Posts.
    I want Abbott to get real and win this darn election...

    Good point Moondog
    "So if it's good enough for the public servants to get 18 or 20 weeks maternity leave on full pay and benefits, why isn't it good enough for everyone else???"

    Lapdog point is taken
    "But you know as well as I do that public servants have employment packages that look pretty sick relative to equivalent ones in the private sector; so why single them out!"

    and I wonder how many of the highest paid positions are held by women?

    This payment for producing children is undermining women not helping our society...who pays a resonable living to the single parents left with all those subsidised babies?...look at some stats.
    Children are a full time job 24/7 for at least 16 years...no pay and definitely no overtime, holidays or recognition. The almighty $ or increased GDP is not the way to strengthen families or this country.

    The handouts/compensations etc all seem to distort values and even backfire on those they aim to assist...
    lots of examples of that ..which only are revealed way down the track.

    Australia is one of the very few developed countries with no nanny/homehelp and so we do it ALL, living beyond our family care needs/means.
    Tony is just reinforcing that $ priority in our values...

    You can only get so much "productivity" out of Australias women...before something has to give...$ dont fix it.

    I dont like to see this type of narrow judgement occuring and I dont like a zomby following by the party.

    Spend money on children when they need it...
    do they need it at birth or when there are hurdles or when their parents are away working etc etc.

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