abc 24 all in a lather

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Tonight's edition of "The Drum" - that waste of TV space - a Labor Party billboard - nothing more - (how many times is this "show" screened daily, in rotation? - must get the Leftist message across to the troops, eh Mr. Scott?) had host Julia Baird chairing a panel - ALL of them heavily Left - on the lead charger - saddled up, frothing at the bit - her mount rearing and stamping - one Ms. Fran Kelly, that darling of the Far Left - his woman's so laughably transparently LEFT - she almost falls off the map! This DARLING of the Left- God knows what she earns - as well as so many others! (Virginia Trioli another!)

    OH - Kelly opines - face screwed up (as usual) in horror - trendy new hairdo ($250 worth I reckon?) - WHAT a disastrous WEEK it's been for the Government! (Yeah - you would say that! Flexing your muscles for running the Sunday am Leftist Bible Class on ABC TV - The Insiders. Eh, Fran?

    Then we had Ms. Caroline Overington - Assoc. EDitor of the Women's Weekly. Some nifty little producer's assistant, at this stage (So clever, the Left, so glue to the past( dredge up some clip of Joe Hockey, when he was at Uni, aged 21, espousing his opinion that education should be free. (Hey, folks, this was 27 years ago - (I was a Commo, once, too, when I was young, and stupid!)

    This makes three trusty maidens of the Leftist persuasion.

    SO then we had the token bloke. Sorry I've forgot his name - but he was young - from the Mitchell Institute, I think? (My eyes are dim). Or was it the G&T?

    Now this bloke was SO inspired, he too thinking this week "dreadul" for those awful "Rightists" he came up with an absolute LULU! Thinks they're to be a challenge to Abbott for leadership - from Joe Hockey and/or Christopher Pyne!

    Now he must have seen up all night dreaming up this one!

    Or was it orders from on high? Whomever "high" could be?

    Note - The Drum set has new intro graphics! New set deconoration. Ms. Baird (allegedly) shorter hair extensions (an economy measure??) What did all this largesee cost?

    It's "The Drum" alright.

    The Red Flag DRUM!

    And we're paying for it.

    Cut it - and save us some money!

    Yes, Leftist rotations. This Drum. Their motto - say a thing often enough - and the dopes out there start to believe it!

    ABC - to me = ALL "Bleedin' Commos!
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