I should clarify the deception employed by these sharks. They...

  1. 15,342 Posts.
    I should clarify the deception employed by these sharks.

    They say recent research.

    As a general rule people assume that recent research means recent real world observations. (empirical observations).

    This paper from Nature Comms you referenced is based on modeling where different inputs are used and they observed the following which is not from not real world observations. Their choice of words is also deceptive as disruptions to cycles is exactly that a cycle change. Their is no known cycle length.

    Your reference would have been less DISHONEST if it had stated below because this is really what they are saying is coming from their models after tweaking parameters.

    Recent research modeling concluded that unabated growth in greenhouse gas emissions over the 21st century will increase the frequency of such disruptions ocean oscillations to Pacific rainfall.
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