ABC agenda Sir David getting all nazi like, page-126

  1. 3,107 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "The climate is very complex and is effected by many factors of which CO2 is a one as stated by a large group of climate scientists"

    Of course this is the correct paradigm and the competent scientists would not even dream of approach it in any other way.

    That's not to say that the less skilled in the field should not have their say, but they must be very vigilant at not being caught in a trap of misrepresentations. Very damaging are misrepresentations, however also an opportunity to learn from transgressions.

    "There is another group comprised of Journalists, activists and politicians who make very unscientific claims about extreme weather and extinction of the human race etc."

    Ahhh yes, the political lobbyists and their incestuous activist cohort. These prevaricators and their lust for power and easy moolah have neither shame or boundaries, it is pure ends justify the means sociopathy.

    History will judge the disciples of 'The Church of kachingkaching CO2 kaching kaching' with abhorrence.

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