Royal58. Unfortunately the control of a large section of the...

  1. 4,383 Posts.
    Royal58. Unfortunately the control of a large section of the media, including the ABC, is in the hands of an unsavoury mish mash of Union criminal types, Socialists with a clear Fabian agenda, out and out rat bags in the Silly Greens and a Leftist academia which holds substantial sway in Australian education and science. It was decided long ago what this dangerous fifth column wants for us.

    There appears to be no easy solution to this well orchestrated takeover because the other commercial media, not already onside with the Left, waft back an forth with a profit motivated agenda which when synchronized on occasion with the rabid Socialists makes an unstoppable force for any Conservative Govt. to contend with.

    I am pessimistic about defeating this insidious force due to it's nature of many heads and tentacles.
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