I want to know which ones to watch/listen to or read so i get a...

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I want to know which ones to watch/listen to or read so i get a fair unbiased opinion on everything political.

    Anyone who watches the scrolling news from the wire services on their computers, sees the sources that the ABC and others take their news from. It may not be totally objective, but it lacks the sarcasm and views of opinionated journalists. Its about as close as you can get to straight up news reporting.

    Every day I see hundreds of headline stories on all sorts of subjects. During the day I can pick exactly which stories will be picked up by the ABC and commercial TV stations for their evening news. Many times I read a short news item during the day, but the same story at night on TV is barley recognisable with all the bias, sarcasm, and smart comments, added in. But the biggest problem is what is left out, or the voice tone used. A simple story can have its meaning changed completely by leaving out a few words, or changing the context.

    The other infuriating aspect is that there are many news wire announcements every day about medical breakthroughs and issues. But not one in ten make it to the nightly TV news. Right now, as I look at my screen, there is a story about a comprehensive study done on vegetarians versus meat eaters. You won't see that tonight on the news.

    There's a story about Campbell Newman on Wayne Goss. Newman is full of praise for Goss, but you won't see that tonight either because it doesn't fit the image that the ABC fosters. I'll put money on that one.

    Oh, and Big Brother and The Big Adventure won't be back next year, according to a straight-up AAP story. Doubt if you will hear that anywhere else.

    Just now; Treasury boss, Parkinson 'believes it is a mistake to focus on the GST.." I'll bet the ABC won't run with that one.

    And so on, dozens every day, but most people never see them.
    All those have popped up in the last ten minutes or so.
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