ABC loses it

  1. 16,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    The ABC tonight lost the plot . On the ABC news ,yes that's the ABC National news ,they covered a story about how much superannuation money people were purportedly going to lose because of the Mining Tax Repeal ,and at the end of the item the newsreader invited everyone to go to ABC net whatever site where a calculator would be able to tell them how much money these changes would cost them over their working lifetime .

    I was sitting there thinking ,it may as well be a union forum ,the ABC News. No opportunity for any counter arguments on ABC.NET

    Shortly thereafter they cut to the 7.30 Report where the lead story was from India with Indians talking about how damaging the uranium deal Australia was about to cut with them was for their country. It could only have been written by a rusted on green maniac,if you listened to it

    So yes ,that's right ,just as the Aussie PM is about to fly to India to sign off on a massive deal for this country ,the ABC is in there doing its level best to undermine the process ,downgrade the great opportunity this offers for our country.

    Quite frankly I think the ABC has completely lost it since its become apparent that Abbott might be starting to claw back the lost ground.

    In any other country the PM would hang them out to dry but you just get the sense that as the ABC ups the ante ,ridiculously ,the more people are going to get sick of the vendetta.

    I think Abbott's right to leave them to it ,they're slowly hanging themselves
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