sigh... the quality of your retorts is of such poor quality that...

  1. 2,144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    sigh... the quality of your retorts is of such poor quality that I'm wondering how you manage to turn on your computers.

    One of you doesn't understand Orwell or Orwellian.

    One of you replies with puerile comments like "You are as misinformed as could be." as if that claim is proof of his genius.

    Another one imagines his sock puppet skills make him seem credible.

    Look, you guys have trouble forming basic sentences and arguing a point to a logical conclusion. If you can't muster the collective intellect to argue without insults, then what hope does ALP socialism offer Australia?

    So, getting back to the argument I pasted here and your lack of an answer, I shall now paste up a quote from

    5.17 The committee also heard that the live export industry is a significant employer of Indigenous people across northern Australia. The Western Australian Minister for Agriculture and Food, Forestry and Corrective Services, the Hon Terry Redman, emphasised the significance of the live export trade for Indigenous employment:

    "Of all the pastoral leases up here about one-third are owned by Indigenous groups. One of the great success stories about Indigenous engagement up here and self-determination has been in the pastoral leases. Shutting the trade is certainly depriving them of jobs and income.[23]"

    So, umm, what part of this "doesn't make sense" exactly ?

    Please, consider what and how you respond before hitting enter as we just feel sorry for you when you don't.

    Of all the pastoral leases up here about one-third are owned by Indigenous groups. One of the great success stories about Indigenous engagement up here and self-determination has been in the pastoral leases. Shutting the trade is certainly depriving them of jobs and income.[23]

    Last edited by batfink68: 18/06/21
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