abc obtain interview with greenie leftie.

  1. 2,405 Posts.
    what normal people see as the abc rushing to back up their greenie lords and masters with taxpayer dollars,the abc describe as 'obtaining an interview'.

    crap,the abc are spoonfed green press releases,and the abc just read the green press releases word for word on air.

    the only exception to this,is when the greenie gets to read their own spin doctored press release,live to air.

    green/red/panic bunny senator lee rhiannon is in sri lanka,attacking the sri lankan government for not providing her with enough boat people to attack abbott.

    the taxpayer funded abc didn't phone,or skype to her,but rushed a news crew to sri lanka,to give the greenies full abc support....."we are us"....remember that,first second and third.

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