milesyI said in my previous post I was less than impressed by...

  1. 484 Posts.

    I said in my previous post I was less than impressed by Costello.

    Roxton was tearing strips off him and he just sat there smiling like the village idiot when her smarmy comments and accusations were clearly vexatious easily defensible.


    Re Marr and the illegals issue, it was Marr who had to eat his words towards the end of the show when he tried asserting the Aust Govt effectively murdered the people on the boat(The Sith was it?)that sank in the middle of nowhere, implying initially that the navy just sat there and watched, when the govt of the navy didn't even know the boat was there.

    His statement about the govt saying the vessel was in Indo waters when it was in Australian waters was pure emotive semantics and irrelevant. Fact is their boat sank in the middle of nowhere as it wasn't seaworthy. The tragic outcome would have been the same regardless of what waters it was in.

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