When Julia Gillard appoints a crusty old Lefty like Jim...

  1. 46,417 Posts.
    When Julia Gillard appoints a crusty old Lefty like Jim Spigelman as Chairman of the ABC Board what more can be expected than exactly what we got... a bunch of unaccounted for, ex-uni Marxists with their hands firmly stuck in taxpayers’ pockets.
    It took an FOI request from Senator Abetz to even discover their fall in ratings over a wide area. And didn’t they kick up a stink when we discovered almost half their budget of $1.2 billion was being spent on obscene wages for unconvincing presenters.
    Even Managing Director Mark Scott’s wage rose to almost $800,000 under his own tutelage.
    Scott, a previous “editorial director” (whatever that means) was found aimlessly wandering the insolvent corridors of Fairfax before being promoted to ABC MD, thus the alliance.
    The ABC is so bloated that Scott was able to set aside $7.1 million in staff redundancy payments (er, that’s unionspeak for golden handshakes) in one single year.
    He can be seen any day of the week lunching at Sydney and Melbourne’s most expensive restaurants Twittering away to his heart’s content.
    If you think the Public Service does well with emoluments then the ABC will make your hair curl. Scott’s tenure, and his annually increasing salary and ballooning bonuses, will remain intact and snowballing until 2015 when hopefully a purge of the ABC and its abuse of the Aussie taxpayer will stop. Well, at least until the next Labor government.
    Scott’s bonuses were attributed to a complete botch of the Australia network, an across the board fall in ratings, countless programming disasters and a purposeful failure to even attempt cater for the paying Aussie viewer.
    Mark Scott should consider picking up the US ABC’s top rating program, it’s called, “How To Get Away With Murder”.

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