aborigines drinking royalties on booze, page-48

  1. 34,391 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1945
    Aboriginees just think differently from what Westerners consider a civlilised society. They evolved mentally to live off the land over thousands of years and then within 150 years are suddenly expected to adapt to western civilisation.
    There average IQ is 62 which is considered mentally impaired.


    However I would argue the IQ test is based on aspects that were not priorites for their adaption to Australian pre colonnial settlement but aboriginees now are unable to compete on an equal footing with other races.

    TO me a continuation of reservations with a ban on alcahol, may seem racist but we dont allow western children with far higher intellect to be legally able to drink alcahol for the same reasons it should not be available to aboriginees.
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