abortion to blame for fires: pastor, page-65

  1. 17,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    It seems logical that the bushfires could have been prevented by people of faith.

    They all believe in prayer so if they were concerned and all prayed hard then God would have stopped the fires.


    IF that doesn't work then prayer doesn't work and so God doesn't listen or is asleep or dead or never was or couldn't care less.

    Or is there a magic number that need to pray and for a set duration and that criteria was not met.

    Riddle me that.

    As for belief in a deity, you either can justify it to yourself or you can't. If you can't then it is not because you are perverse or evil, just that you can't pretend to believe what doesn't seem to make sense.

    If you are to be punished for not believing then I'd rather be with those true to their convictions than twice a year believers (easter and Xmas, plus the religious wedding and christening etc).

    Besides there is the cycnical way out, lol.

    Paul says all you have to do is repent and you are saved. How many death bed conversions are there? Hypocrites.
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