about co2 levels in the air..., page-79

  1. 1,053 Posts.
    Go Glenroy - perhaps the alarmists are struggling and that is probably a good thing. The many people who want to see action on curtailing ghg emissions are not struggling with anything other than annoying distractions.

    A carbon price is coming and that is a result of the burgeoning evidence that points to a sustained trend to increasing average global temperatures that cannot be explained by other known causes.

    The multiple streams of evidence continue to strengthen the case; the decision makers and business leaders are by and large cognisant of the risks posed by an uncontrolled rise in global temperatures and are prepared to act.

    The alarmists in the AGW camp have done more damage than any sceptic and like any demographic there are individuals at the extreme that espouse views that do not necessarily reflect those of the rest of the demographic.

    However not everyone who wants action on climate change are alarmists, many are aware of the cost to the economy, the hardship that may be incurred and that climate change is slow by human chronology but relentless.

    Likewise on the other side there are flat out deniers and genuine sceptics. The sceptics have and continue to serve a purpose and their insights are a critical part of the process.

    Denialists on are no better or worse than alarmists.

    A price on ghgs is coming for whatever reason, let?s hope that if no sceptic can gain scientific consensus and disprove conclusively that human emissions are altering the climate that the mechanisms to reduce emissions is strong enough to make control our actions.
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