About "Invasion Day", boycott channel 10 and its advertisers, page-48

  1. 18,814 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 421

    Yeah and the world had changed for them and everybody else… the average lifespan of aboriginals is increasing is this a bad thing re advancements?

    why would they not want a wheel if they were farmers according to people like Bruce Pascoe to transport ?

    The aboriginals left Africa 50,000 years ago and subsequent people left after wards, up through Europe across to Asia and down to Australia, just like many other peoples they moved and expanded otherwise they never would have come here.

    science says aboriginals have more DNA in common with the dreaded Europeans than with actual Africans and it seems pretty logical that being the case, some went north to Europe some split off and went east to Asia.

    Nobody deliberately spread these diseases that I’m aware of…
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