DRK 0.00% 1.2¢ drake resources limited

about to crack wide open, page-69

  1. 390 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    Well we have hours of trading left before the announcement is out and things look to have stalled waiting in anticipation of some good results today or tomorrow.

    Sooo does the announcement come out this afternoon for some exciting last minute trading?

    Does it come in at 4:05pm so traders have time to digest and discuss the information so people aren't scrabbling and played by the traders like last time.

    Or are results better then anticipated and management are taking their time to incorporate a capital raising along with results?

    Just my thoughts....I need something to do between clicking the refresh button in anticipation :)

    Good luck all it feels like we're on our way for a great ride up.
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