Absolutely no idea Dan Andrews, page-81

  1. 35,307 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    To be fair the hotel quarantine in Victoria is a massive stuff up.

    Imagine where we'd be if we didn't have that and had similar community transmission to the other major states ? Imagine how good Australia would be looking as a country now ?

    That said, it is what it is. The most important thing is to find out why there wasn't a plan in place. It seems this is common all around Australia. There have been mistakes made everywhere. Even as recent as last weekend with the NZ bubble debacle.

    This pandemic affects all of Australia. Why aren't the feds more involved ? It seems they are letting politics get in the way going on the Frydenburg/Hunt sniping of last week.

    Why isn't the media, particularly the right wing media, focusing on asking why there still isn't a clear plan that does not rely on public servants, politicians or managers ?

    If there were another pandemic tomorrow I'm still not confident there is the right structure in place to defend the country. Why isn't the media grilling all governments, both state and federal, on this ?

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