The blistering report also stated that excessive pricing is not...

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    The blistering report also stated that excessive pricing is not unlawful in Australia and called for the government to act, especially as many Australians struggle with cost of living pressures.

    "There is currently a gap in government policy," Professor Fels wrote.

    "It does not pay sufficient attention to high prices. It needs to.

    "It needs to investigate and expose their causes and, as far as possible, remedy the problems, [which are] ineffective competition, vulnerable consumers, and exploitative business pricing practices."

    His 80-page report, commissioned by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), found that many Australian consumers were being overcharged, and "profit push" pricing had added significantly to inflation in recent times.

    The report examined various sectors including electricity, aviation, banks, food and groceries, childcare, medical specialists, electric vehicles, pharmaceuticals, and shipping services in far northern Australia.
    ABC LiNK

    I don't know if there is anti-business bias in the investigation and report, but it sure has been a quick one and with ACTU involvement.....

    this lives it open to accusations of bias at least.

    I expected Fels to be notably independent.

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