ACCC, page-9

  1. 1,984 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 109
    just one point i dont agree with you is that they are inefficient - they dont really make that much money when you look at how much they have

    look at their assets to profits ratio - CBA has about ~$650 billion in assets and profits are ~$10 billion - that's a 1.50% return - is it really that good or greedy? I'd say thats ok but not outlandish. Oversimplification sure but if say a fund manager say have $100 mill on their books would a $1.5 mill profit be reasonable? you would probably say they under performed for that year

    One could also argue they are paying a "Bank Levy" to the government which only the big 4 pay along with paying their taxes fairly unlike some of these large international companies and say Qantas?

    They cop a fair bit of criticism and they should but its sometimes unfair certainly getting to that point now i think. They could be doing a lot more wrong than they are
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