Accelerate the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy - to fight Anthropogenic Climate Change, page-13400

  1. 38,133 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Another linkless fake news chart from the lyrebird. Note how it doesn't reference the location etc.

    Of course the lyrebird could've posted the whole story for balance.

    E.g. At 11am SA is getting 93% of it's electricity from wind. 21% of that from wind which is complemented by solar. That's how renewables work. Multiple sources of electricity generation.

    Then of course there is the 23 odd million people on the east coast of Australia, including large energy users like smelters, that are getting almost 60% of their electricity from renewables right now.

    Funny how the lyrebird never posts the solar chart, isn't it ?

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