Exactly. If governments think they can change or manipulate the...

  1. 5,378 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    Exactly. If governments think they can change or manipulate the climate, then they are having themselves on! Any simpleton should know that but these even simpler simpletons think they can! And to blame climate change on a gas which is virtually so minimal as far as atmospheric gases are concerned, is ludicrous!!! It makes no sense at all but then those pushing the myth haven't got much in the way of common sense anyway!
    Of course it will cause more harm than good and that is precisely what is occurring at present and it'll continue until the general populace has said enough is enough!
    But meanwhile the disastrous energy crisis will continue and so to will inflation!
    By the way these dopes don't even realize that Australia has already reached net zero and beyond, simply because of the size of our continent in relation to our rather still small population along with a massive amount of vegetation capable of absorbing more of the man made Co2 than is necessary!
    Anyway, I thought that the whole idea was to 'Green' the Planet not destroy it but by reducing the Co2 content in the atmosphere is exactly what will occur because if you reduce the concentration below a certain threshold plants will not be able to absorb sufficient and as a result plant growth will suffer. This could eventually lead to a World wide famine. Is this what our World leaders want?
    Ironically, prior to the industrial revolution, the concentration of atmospheric Co2 reached dangerously low levels of around 0.02%. If this level had of dropped to around 0.018% much of our plant life would have disappeared. Because as mentioned, there is that threshold level whereby Co2 can't diffuse in through the stomates on the undersides of most leaves. That's how near we were to a catastrophic upheaval within not only the plant communities of the World but the populations of all others living species as well..
    Is this what our brain dead world leaders are inadvertently trying to create?
    Our mob here in Australia haven't a clue either and in the process of thinking they are saving the Planet they really are doing their utmost to destroy it!
    How ironical!!!!!!
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