Accelerate the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy - to fight Anthropogenic Climate Change, page-34553

  1. 27,981 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23

    There are TWO prongs to the CAGW scam.

    #1 is the claim that the human CO2 emission from FF has been the predominant cause of warming. The basis for that claim that I see most often is that "they can't find any other reason for the warming so it has to be the CO2 increase". To which I always reply - "No one is looking for other reasons because the funding was established by the government on the assumption that CO2 controls earth's temperature."

    That funding basis is why anyone who comes along and presents alternative explanations or even questions the influence of CO2 is denigrated as a pariah and ignored. No one in climate science will support any science that threatens their money stream.

    #2 is the claim that "warming is bad". Despite verifiable trends of steady improvement for humanity going back decades such increasing crop yields, decreasing poverty, decreasing deaths from extreme weather, increasing life expectancy, increasing GDP per capita and greening of the planet (now two major studies) - alarmist mainstream media is still reporting about "predictions' of future climate disaster. They've run out of them so they're using recycled disaster predictions from the past that have already failed and presenting them as though they're "new"! Stories like from the NYT in 1995 that told us that there might not be any beaches left on the east coast by 2020 are being recycled to scare people that the same might be true by 2050, etc.

    So ... I think #2 is the low hanging fruit worth going after. As opposed to the "sciency" stuff that many people are just never going to understand, few alarmists can argue against the verity of the hard data per above concerning what has actually happened over the last ~40 years of warming. People can compare it against now decades of examples of failed disaster predictions.

    Once you convince people they were lied to about #2 .. they have no good reason to care about #1.

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