Accelerate the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy - to fight Anthropogenic Climate Change, page-37991

  1. 38,093 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Saw something interesting on another forum recently .

    The Dud plans to build a nuke at Loy Yang in Gippsland . Someone whipped up a graphic of a nuclear exclusion zone around that site in the event that it all goes to custard . A 20km radius which is the same as Fukishima and Chernobyl .
    Note that these exclusion zones means no access for decades if not centuries. Of course if that were to be an exclusion zone that means that no one is going to want to live adjacent to that zone . So that circle would likely be twice that size.

    For those that are not familiar with Gippsland , it is a very productive agricultural area . Dairy, vegetables etc. Rolling green hills. Lots of water. Lots of irrigation etc . Then there's a significant fishing industry at Lakes Entrance . Gippsland is a significant primary production area amongst other things.

    The thing with the Loy Yang site is that its smack in the middle of the Latrobe Valley bordered by the Great Dividing range to the north and the Strzelecki range to the south . lt is the main access route from Melbourne to the east coast of Vic and the southern coast of NSW .

    The prevailing winds are from the south west which means any release from the power station would be carried right through east Gippsland .

    A Dud nuke boo boo would cut that part of the country off for good. No one would want to buy produce from adjacent to an exclusion zone . Especially down wind . Victoria's reputation for clean green agriculture would be lost overnight . A significant access route to the east coast would be cut off let alone the disruption to the lives of all the people that live in that area. Unlike disasters that the area has experienced in the past such as floods and bushfires, a Dud nuke failure would be a permanent disaster for the area.

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