Accelerate the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy - to fight Anthropogenic Climate Change, page-1973

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    Daily Disaster: Blackouts Only Reward For California’s Wind & Solar Nightmare

    If insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, then California’s a clear candidate for the asylum.

    Over the last 20 years, its maniacal wind and solar obsession has cost Californians dearly: they suffer America’s highest power prices and, when the mercury soars, are lucky to get any power, at all. Energy poverty is an entrenched part of daily life now for millions of its poor and underprivileged.

    But, that’s the price to be paid for the unsubstantiated belief that all your power needs can be delivered exclusively by sunshine and breezes.

    California’s wind and sun cult reckon that the solution to its power pricing and supply calamity is simple: endless banks of giant batteries – which will store wind and solar power on those occasions when it’s purportedly being produced in excess, to account for sunset and/or calm weather.

    It’s never worked anywhere on Earth, but California has always been known for defying the odds.

    If (and it’s a mighty big ‘if’) lithium batteries were able to be scaled up to the degree required, the cost of building that capacity would outstrip the economic value of the electricity produced by California’s wind and solar generators for generations.

    In other words what the American calls a ‘costly and pointless boondoggle’.

    Donn Dears runs the numbers and reaches that very conclusion below.

    California Orchestrates Disaster

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