I was going to correct most of what you've said but i'll let an extract from the quarterly do that.
"It is our view that the last stage of our fraccing program, the frac spread into the coal seams in the Toolachee formation. The recovered water volume so far is interpreted to be from the frac water and from the coal seam dewatering. Over time it is expected the level of water from the coal seam should be reduced and more gas should come from the coal seams. We believe that a stablished flow rate for Tamarama 1 would have occurred much earlier if we did not proceed with the 5th frac stage. This is a lesson learned. While the water is currently hampering our flow rates, we believe in the medium term we will get more gas from this zone. Planning has commenced for the drilling of two additional appraisal wells - Tamarama-2 and 3. We are expecting significant improvements in wells from design, completion and fraccing methods which will enhance the economics of the Windorah project.
T1 was clearly not perfect (this is exploration right?). What it does prove is the gas exists and flows at significant rates. T2 should sure up the concept with improved results and result in a Reserve being declared. Thats when the fun begins!