FSL fast scout limited

The geology outline and potential information in this market...

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    The geology outline and potential information in this market announcement has been compiled by Mr Kim
    Stanton-Cook who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Stanton-Cook has in excess
    of 5 years experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation under consideration and qualifies as a
    Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral
    Resources and Ore Reserves (the JORC Code).” Mr Stanton-Cook is a consultant to Fast Scout Limited. Mr
    Stanton-Cook consents to the inclusion of the geology outline and potential information section of this
    market announcement in the form and context in which it appears.
    FAST SCOUT LIMITED A.B.N. 94 088 488 724
    Level 14, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
    T | + 61 (8) 9214 9700 F | + 61 (8) 9322 1515 E | [email protected]
    Tuesday, 20 September 2005
    The Directors of Fast Scout Limited (“Fast Scout”) are pleased to announce the
    Company has entered into an agreement with Hume Mining NL (“Hume”) to acquire a
    75% interest in a suite of uranium exploration tenement applications located
    principally in the northern part of the Ngalia Basin in the Northern Territory
    These Northern Territory Tenements, having a total area of approximately 1,666
    square kilometres are adjacent to tenements surrounding the Bigrlyi Uranium Deposit
    (held by recent uranium float, Energy Metals Limited – ASX Code: “EME”).
    In particular, Exploration Licence Application 24879, being one of the Tenements the
    subject of the agreement with Hume, lies 5 km south of the Bigrlyi Uranium Deposit
    and is regarded as a key tenement by Hume. As outlined below, Fast Scout’s initial
    examination of the geology of such tenement indicates that it may contain a similar
    geological environment as that hosting the Bigrlyi Uranium Deposit and has a potential
    for economic uranium mineralisation.
    The acquisition of these Tenements from Hume is referred to in this announcement as
    the “Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition Agreement” (a copy of which is contained in
    Annexure A).
    The Bigrlyi Uranium Deposit occurs in arkosic sandstones in the lower part of the late
    Devonian-late Carboniferrous Mt Eclipse Sandstone which is host to 20 regional
    uranium prospects and radiometric anomalies principally in the northern margin of the
    Ngalia basin.
    The Bigrlyi Uranium Deposit is regarded as a typical “modified roll front deposit” where
    uranium bearing oxidizing fluids meet with reducing conditions in layers of
    predominantly carbonaceous matter in a permeable formation.
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    The fluid formation regime at the time of formation of the Bigrlyi deposit and other
    prospects in the area appear to occur from north to south.
    Regional geological setting indicates these uraniferous fluids probably have originated
    from granites of the underlying Arunta complex, and migrated southwards. Here,
    reaction with the reductant lithologies led to the precipitation of uranium
    mineralisation in the rocks of the Mount Eclipse Sandstone.
    This regional uranium-bearing formation continues into ELA 24879.
    All tenements under application by Hume which contain the lower Mt Eclipse
    Sandstone can be regarded as prospective for economic uranium mineralisation.
    In particular the twin conditions of a pre-existing north to south flow regime (with ELA
    24879 lying in the path of the movement of these fluids and to the south) and the
    nature of permeable strata interlayered with carbonaceous matter may occur in ELA
    Further, low angle thrust faults are postulated as additional primary fluid conduits into
    the Mt Eclipse Sandstone.
    These matters support the view that ELA 24879 has potential to host economic
    uranium mineralisation.
    It is anticipated that upon completion of due diligence and a grant of the Tenements,
    exploration would advance to drilling as soon as possible.
    Northern Territory Tenement Details
    These tenements are currently in the application stage with The Northern Territory
    Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development (“DBIRD”).
    Set out below are details of the Northern Territory Tenements. A tenement map
    outline of these Tenements is also provided as an illustration of their proximity to the
    Bigrlyi Project tenements held by Energy Metals Limited.
    Application No Status Area
    Location /
    Property Name
    ELA 24879 Application 82 260 Mount Doreen
    ELA 24927 Application 338 999 Haasts Bluff
    ELA 24928 Application 15 35. Mount Doreen
    ELA 24929 Application 26 56 Mount Doreen
    ELA 24930 Application 99 314 Mount Doreen

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    Western Australia Tenement Details
    In addition to the Northern Territory Tenements, Fast Scout has also secured the right
    to earn in a 75% interest in a series of further tenements held by Hume Mining in
    Western Australia details of which are outlined in the Hume Mining Tenement
    Acquisition Agreement (Annexure A). All such tenements (save for Canning Well
    Exploration Licence EL 46/629) are applications. The Company has secured a right to
    these tenements as an ancillary to the Northern Territory Tenements and will conduct
    further due diligence on these tenements to ascertain their prospectivity for uranium
    as part of its overall due diligence examination.
    The project areas in the Northern Territory and Western Australia are located as
    outlined in the following geographic map:
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    Upon Fast Scout declaring satisfaction of due diligence by 21 October 2005, Fast Scout
    will have the right to earn a 75% interest in the Tenements upon the terms and
    conditions described in the Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition Agreement, including:
    (1) Fast Scout issuing 5,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in Fast Scout to Hume
    (which ASX has advised will be subject to ASX imposed escrow);
    (2) Fast Scout undertaking, at Fast Scout’s expense and absolute discretion,
    exploration, feasibility or other expenditure on the Tenements with a view to
    delineating relevant resources to support the completion of a bankable feasibility
    study and a decision to mine;
    (3) Fast Scout keeping the Tenements in good standing;
    (4) In addition to the issue of shares referred to in clause 1, the Vendor shall be
    entitled to a receive a royalty from Fast Scout of 2% of gross revenues arising
    from any commercial exploitation of any minerals from the Tenements;
    (5) Fast Scout receiving shareholder approval to undertake the transaction
    contemplated in the agreement by 30 November 2005;
    (6) Fast Scout completing a capital raising of a minimum of $2,000,000 by 16
    December 2005;
    Hume’s 25% interest in the Tenements will be free carried until Fast Scout declares a
    decision to mine supported by the completion of an appropriate bankable feasibility
    study. After a decision to mine is made by Fast Scout with respect to a particular
    Tenement, all expenditure incurred in respect of the relevant Tenement will be shared
    in proportion to each party’s interest in the Tenement.
    The parties have further agreed that, after the issue of the shares by Fast Scout to the
    Vendor pursuant to clause 1 (above), in consideration of Hume paying $10,000 to Fast
    Scout, Fast Scout will issue and grant to Hume:
    (a) 5,000,000 options over fully paid ordinary shares in Fast Scout (each exercisable
    at 5 cents on before the date being 5 years after the date of grant of such
    options); and
    (b) 5,000,000 options over fully paid ordinary shares in Fast Scout (each exercisable
    at 10 cents on before the date being 5 years after the date of grant of such
    ASX has advised that the above options will be subject to ASX imposed escrow.
    The issue of shares and the issue and grant of options by Fast Scout to Hume as
    described above is based upon Fast Scout’s existing issued share capital of
    102,559,095 fully paid ordinary shares. In the event of any reconstruction of the
    issued share capital of Fast Scout, the number of shares to be issued and the number
    of options to be issued and granted by Fast Scout to Hume as described above will be
    adjusted in the same ratio as the reconstruction.
    The specific terms and conditions of the Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition
    Agreement are outlined in the letter agreement contained in Annexure A.
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    Due Diligence
    The Company will advise when it has completed its due diligence on the Tenements.
    In this regard, the Company is also investigating the acquisition of other resource
    projects in addition to the above Tenements.
    If and when such projects are acquired, appropriate announcements will be made.
    The terms of the Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition Agreement contemplate a capital
    raising of a minimum of $2,000,000. Fast Scout intends to raise at least such funds
    through either a Share Purchase Plan or a Prospectus or a combination of both.
    It is intended that the funds raised from the Share Purchase Plan/Prospectus will be
    used to:
    (a) advance the commercial prospects of the Tenements;
    (b) research and identify other under-explored projects with potential for
    commercial mineralisation;
    (c) expand the Company’s tenement portfolio by way of specific pegging,
    acquisitions and/or farm-in and joint venture agreements;
    (d) meet the ongoing operational expenses of the Company.
    It is contemplated that the Company will undertake a capital raising of a minimum of
    $2,000,000 through a Share Purchase Plan and/or a Prospectus.
    With respect to the issue of a Prospectus it is contemplated that there may be a
    requirement to seek a reconstruction of the issued capital of the Company to accord
    with the proposed issue price of securities under the Prospectus, being 20 cents per
    At the present time it is not possible for the Company to determine the level of such
    potential reconstruction as it will be a function of the capital position of the Company
    at the time and the trading price of its securities.
    However, the Company advises of the following pro-forma positions for three share
    consolidation scenarios: none, on a 2 for 1 and on a 4 for 1 basis:
    Pro-Forma Share Capital Structure:
    None % 2 for 1 % 4 for 1 %
    Current issued share capital 102,559,095 87% 51,279,548 80% 25,639,774 70%
    Shares to be issued to Hume for acquisition of Tenements 5,000,000 4% 2,500,000 4% 1,250,000 3%
    Amended issued share capital post acquisition of Tenements 107,559,095 53,779,548 26,889,774
    Shares issued pursuant to capital raising ($2 million at 20 cents each) 10,000,000 9% 10,000,000 16% 10,000,000 27%
    New issued share capital post acquisition of Tenements and capital
    raising 117,559,095 100% 63,779,548 100% 36,889,774 100%
    Extent of share consolidation:
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    Pursuant to the Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition Agreement, no funds will be
    payable by, or to, Fast Scout.
    Fast Scout’s audited 30 June 2005 and unaudited 31 August 2005 Consolidated
    Statements of Financial Position is contained in Annexure B. This also contains a proforma
    incorporating the following effects:
    (1) The issue of 5,000,000 shares to Hume pursuant to the Hume Mining Tenement
    Acquisition Agreement (which ASX has advised will be subject to ASX imposed
    (2) The $2,000,000 capital raising (described above) net of assumed capital raising
    costs of $100,000;
    (3) The issue and grant of options to Hume in consideration for $10,000 (described
    above) (which ASX has advised will be subject to ASX imposed escrow).
    The Directors of Fast Scout will be calling an General Meeting (“EGM”) in due course
    so that its shareholders may consider and, if thought fit, pass all relevant
    (1) Approving the change in the nature of Fast Scout’s activities;
    (2) Ratifying and approving the execution of the Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition
    (3) If required, ratifying and approving the acquisition of any further mining assets
    deemed appropriate for acquisition by the Company;
    (4) If required, approving the proposed capital raising of the Company of a minimum
    of $2,000,000;
    (5) If required, approving the consolidation of the existing issued share capital of the
    (6) Approving the change of name of the Company to reflect the new business focus
    of the Company;
    (7) Any other matters relevant to the new business direction of the Company.
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    As the Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition Agreement transaction constitutes a change
    in the nature of the Company’s activities, Fast Scout has had to apply for a short
    suspension from trading on the ASX prior to this market announcement. However,
    the ASX has advised that Fast Scout will be reinstated for trading on the ASX upon
    release of this market announcement.
    Furthermore, upon successful completion of its due diligence on the Hume Mining
    Tenement Acquisition Agreement, Fast Scout will be required to apply for another
    suspension from the ASX on the eve of the date of the EGM.
    After obtaining relevant shareholder approvals, upon the close of the proposed capital
    raising of the Company, Fast Scout will apply to the ASX for reinstatement of
    quotation. The ASX has advised that reinstatement will be conditional upon
    satisfaction of the admission and quotation requirements set out in Chapters 1 and 2
    of the ASX Listing Rules.
    Where Fast Scout shareholders fail to approve any one of the resolutions proposed for
    the EGM as described above, ASX advises that subject to normal compliance with the
    ASX Listing Rules, a reinstatement of the securities of the Company will occur on the
    basis of its continuing Internet technology operations.
    Mr Shanker Madan will be joining the Board of Fast Scout upon the passing by the
    Company of all resolutions proposed at the EGM. At such time, Mr Azhar Chaudhri
    and Mr Yaqoob Khan will resign as directors of Fast Scout.
    About Shanker Madan
    Mr Madan, aged 60 years, has honours and masters Science degrees in Applied
    Geology. He has had world-wide experience in the exploration and evaluation of
    mineral deposits for various commodities.
    Mr Madan has been a Manager with Hamersley Iron, Group Leader with BHP
    Minerals, Chief Geologist with Hancock and Wright Prospecting and a Senior
    Geological Consultant to the Rio Tinto Group. Subsequent to his role as a
    promoter and Managing Director of an ASX listed exploration company in the
    80’s, he managed a range of mineral evaluation studies in Iran, Brazil and
    Western Australia for BHP, Rio Tinto and Hamersley Iron.
    He has also acted as a consultant to Rio Tinto, Ashton Mining and others on
    mineral projects in Brazil, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Fiji and United
    States, working on a range of iron ore, diamonds, gold, copper and chromite
    deposits. He has been involved in the discovery of 3 world class iron deposits in
    Western Australia for TexasGulf and BHP Minerals.
    From 1997 to 2001, Mr Madan managed the evaluation of resource projects for
    Hamersley Iron and recently completed a resources due diligence study of the
    billion-dollar West Angelas project in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
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    Lodgment of market announcement of proposed
    acquisition of Tenements
    16 September 2005
    Reinstatement of quotation of Fast Scout shares on ASX
    pending declaration of satisfaction of due diligence and
    Fast Scout shareholder approval at EGM
    20 September 2005
    Declaration of satisfaction of due diligence on the
    21 October 2005 (1), (2)
    Despatch of notice of meeting and explanatory
    memorandum for EGM
    31 October 2005 (1)
    Suspension of Fast Scout shares on the eve of the EGM 29 November 2005 (1)
    Fast Scout EGM to approve the Hume Mining Tenement
    Acquisition Agreement, change of activities, capital raising
    and share reconstruction (if required) and other
    appropriate matters
    30 November 2005 (1), (2)
    Date for completion of $2 million capital raising under the
    Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition Agreement
    16 December 2005 (1)
    Reinstatement of quotation of Fast Scout shares upon recompliance
    with ASX Listing Rules
    23 December 2005 (1)
    (1) Indicative dates only, which may change;
    (2) Dates may change by agreement of Fast Scout and Hume pursuant to the Hume Mining Tenement
    Acquisition Agreement;
    (3) The $2 million capital raising may take the form of a Share Purchase Plan and/or a Prospectus.
    Documents for such fund raising will be issued by Fast Scout after 19 September 2005 (with the issue
    of shares subject to Fast Scout approvals at the EGM).
    Until such time as the Directors’ due diligence and the proposed change of activities
    and likely recapitalisation of the Company is completed, the Company is continuing its
    principal activities being the sale and marketing and on-going development of its
    various Internet technologies and other activities as outlined in its 2005 Full Year
    Reports lodged on ASX on 13 September 2005.
    The Company also confirms that it is currently in discussions with various stockbrokers
    and its major shareholder, Data Base Systems Limited (“DBS”) (currently a 69%
    shareholder) with respect to the proposed $2,000,000 capital raising and with respect
    to its position as a large shareholder of the Company.
    It is proposed that DBS will reduce its shareholding in the Company through the sale
    of approximately 25 million of its 71 million shares to clients of such stockbrokers to
    assist in creating a more liquid market for Fast Scout’s shares.
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    Fast Scout provides Internet Security solutions based upon its Virtual Web software.
    Virtual Web protects internet users from objectionable and inappropriate materials on
    the Internet and is used in schools, government agencies and commercial enterprises.
    Hume Mining NL is a wholly owned subsidiary of ASX listed investment company,
    Central Exchange Limited (ASX Code: “CXL”). Incorporated in March 1994, Hume
    holds a portfolio of mineral exploration properties prospective for Uranium, Gold and
    Iron Ore.
    Further information:
    Fast Scout Hume Mining / Central Exchange
    Farooq Khan William Johnson
    Chairman Chairman
    T | (08) 9214 9700 T | (08) 9214 9797
    E | [email protected] E | [email protected]
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    Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
    for Fast Scout Limited (and controlled entities)
    Audited Unaudited Pro-Forma
    30/6/2005 31/8/2005
    After Capital
    Note $ $ $
    Cash assets 54,197 64,538 1,974,538
    Receivables 169,459 19,596 19,596
    TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 223,656 84,134 1,994,134
    Receivables 500 - -
    Property, plant and equipment 47,309 47,309 47,309
    Other financial assets 1 376,750 471,625 471,625
    Investments accounted for using equity method 2 147,425 8,012 8,012
    Internet technologies -
    Prepaid classification works - - -
    Other development works - - -
    Intangibles - - -
    Other 3 - - 55,000
    TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 571,984 526,946 581,946
    TOTAL ASSETS 795,640 611,080 2,576,080
    Payables 544,869 282,875 282,875
    Provisions 21,732 21,732 21,732
    TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 566,601 304,607 304,607
    TOTAL LIABILITIES 566,601 304,607 304,607
    NET ASSETS 229,039 306,472 2,271,472
    Contributed equity 16,414,372 16,833,688 18,798,688
    Accumulated losses (16,185,333) (16,527,216) (16,527,216)
    TOTAL EQUITY 229,039 306,472 2,271,472
    Issue of 5,000,000 shares to Hume Mining NL in consideration for acquisition of 75% interest in the Tenements 55,000
    (at an issue price of 1.1 cents each, being the closing price on ASX on 15 September 2005,
    being the date of the Hume Mining Tenement Acquisition Agreement)
    Capital raising by Share Purchase Plan/Prospectus 2,000,000
    Costs of capital raising (estimated) (100,000)
    Net capital raised 1,900,000
    Consideration received on options subscription by Hume Mining NL 10,000
    (1) Other financial assets comprise investment in ASX listed securities:
    Company No Shares % Last Bid Price Market Value
    Central Exchange Limited (CXL) 505,026 2.83% $0.590 $297,965
    Queste Communications Limited (QUE) 826,950 2.91% $0.210 $173,660
    Total $471,625
    (2) Investments accounted for using equity method comprise investments in ASX listed (but suspended) securities:
    Company No Shares %
    Altera Capital Limited (AEA) 20,002,860 32.3%
    Sofcom Limited (SOF) 12,420,439 27.8%
    The Company is the largest shareholder in AEA and SOF both of which are ASX listed companies, currently suspended awaiting a potential
    recapitalisation and re-admission to ASX. FSL is in discussions with a number of parties regarding a sale of its interest in these companies. FSL's
    nil valuation for its shareholding in these companies does not reflect any potential “control premium” upon a possible sale of such shareholdings.
    Other non-current assets comprise the consideration for the Tenements calculated by reference to the issue price of the 5,000,000 shares proposed
    to be issued to Hume Mining NL, being 1.1 cents each (the closing price on ASX on 15 September 2005, being the date of the Hume Mining
    Tenement Acquisition Agreement)
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