Acronym Aneurysm...., page-2

  1. 19,112 Posts.
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    Abbreviation Response
    1 2F4U Too Fast For You
    2 4YEO FYEO For Your Eyes Only
    4 AAMOF As a Matter of Fact
    5 ACK Acknowledgment
    6 AFAIK As far as I know
    7 AFAIR As far as I remember / recall
    8 AFK Away from Keyboard
    9 AKA Also known as
    11 B2K BTK Back to Keyboard
    12 BTT Back to Topic
    13 BTW By the Way
    14 B/C Because
    16 C&P Copy and Paste
    17 CU See you
    18 CYS Check your Settings
    20 DIY Do it Yourself
    22 EOBD End of Business Day
    23 EOD End of Discussion
    24 EOM End of Message
    25 EOT End of Thread / .. Text / .. Transmission
    27 FAQ Frequently asked Questions
    28 FACK Full Acknowledge
    29 FKA Formerly known as
    30 FWIW For what it's Worth
    31 FYI / JFYI (Just) For your Information
    32 FTW F*** the World / For the Win
    34 HF Have fun
    35 HTH Hope this Helps
    37 IDK I don't know
    38 IIRC If I Recall / Remember Correctly
    39 IMHO In my Humble Opinion
    40 IMO In my Opinion
    41 IMNSHO In my not so Humble / Honest Opinion
    42 IOW In other Words
    43 ITT In this Thread
    45 LOL Laughing out loud
    46 DGMW Don't get me wrong
    48 MMW Mark my Words
    50 N/A Not Available / Applicable
    51 NaN Not a Number
    52 NNTR No need to Reply
    53 noob n00b Newbie
    54 NOYB None of your Business
    55 NRN No Reply Necessary
    57 OMG Oh my God
    58 OP Original Poster, Original Post
    59 OT Off Topic
    60 OTOH On the other Hand
    62 PEBKAC Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair
    63 POV Point of View
    65 ROTFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing
    66 RSVP Repondez s'il vous plait (French: Please reply)
    67 RTFM Read the fine Manual
    69 SCNR Sorry, could not Resist
    70 SFLR Sorry, for late Reply
    71 SPOC Single Point of Contact
    73 TBA To be Announced
    74 TBC To be Continued / To be Confirmed
    75 TIA Thanks in Advance
    76 TGIF Thanks God, its Friday
    77 THX TNX Thanks
    78 TQ Thank You
    79 TYVM Thank You Very Much
    80 TYT Take your Time
    81 TTYL Talk to you Later
    83 WOFTAM waste of F**ken time and money
    84 w00t Whoomp, there it is; Meaning "Hooray"
    85 WFM Works for Me
    86 WRT With Regard to
    87 WTH What the Hell / What the Heck
    88 WTF What the F***
    90 YMMD You made my Day
    91 YMMV Your Mileage may vary
    92 YAM Yet Another Meeting
    93 ICYMI In Case you missed it
    96 2moro Tomorrow
    97 2nte Tonight
    99 AEAP As Early as Possible
    100 ALAP As Late as Possible
    101 ASAP As Soon as Possible
    102 ASL Age / Sex / Location?
    104 B3 Blah, Blah, Blah
    105 B4YKI Before You Know it
    106 BFF Best Friends, Forever
    107 BM&Y Between Me and You
    108 BRB Be right Back
    109 BRT Be right There
    110 BTAM Be that as it May
    112 C-P Sleepy
    113 CTN Cannot talk now
    114 CUS See You Soon
    115 CWOT Complete Waste of Time
    116 CYT See You Tomorrow
    118 E123 Easy as 1, 2, 3
    119 EM? Excuse Me?
    120 EOD End of Day
    122 F2F Face to Face
    123 FC Fingers Crossed
    124 FOAF Friend of a Friend
    126 GR8 Great
    128 HAK Hugs and Kisses
    130 IDC I Don't Care
    131 IDK I Don't Know
    132 ILU / ILY I Love You
    133 IMU I Miss You
    134 IRL In Real Life
    136 J/K Just Kidding
    137 JC Just Checking
    138 JTLYK Just to Let You Know
    140 KFY Kiss for You
    141 KMN Kill Me Now
    142 KPC Keeping Parents Clueless
    144 L8R Later
    146 MoF Male or Female
    147 MTFBWY May the Force be with You
    148 MYOB Mind Your Own Business
    150 N-A-Y-L In a While
    151 NAZ Name, Address, ZIP
    152 NC No Comment
    153 NIMBY Not in my Backyard
    154 NM Never Mind / Nothing Much
    155 NP No Problem
    156 NSFW Not Safe for Work
    157 NTIM Not that it Matters
    158 NVM Never Mind
    160 OATUS On a totally Unrelated Subject
    161 OIC Oh, I See
    162 OMW On My Way
    163 OTL Out to Lunch
    164 OTP On the Phone
    166 P911 Parent Alert
    167 PAL Parents are Listening
    168 PAW Parents are Watching
    169 PIR Parent in Room
    170 POS Parent over Shoulder
    171 PROP(S) Proper Respect / Proper Recognition
    173 QT Cutie
    175 RN Right Now
    176 RU Are You
    178 SEP Someone else's Problem
    179 SITD Still in the Dark
    180 SLAP Sounds like a Plan
    181 SMIM Send Me an Instant Message
    182 SO Significant Other
    184 TMI Too Much Information
    186 UR Your / You are
    188 W8 Wait
    189 WB Welcome Back
    190 WYCM Will You Call Me?
    191 WYWH Wish You Were Here
    193 XOXOXOX Hugs, Kisses, ...

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