When dealing with a moron Laborite with a fuzzy connection to...

  1. 6,953 Posts.
    When dealing with a moron Laborite with a fuzzy connection to the working class always look for the ubiquitous Arts degree and ... presto.

    The modern Arts degree is steeped in fantasy and fiction and hairy fairy theories devised by stalinists like Marcuse. Yet armed with what is often a pin brain the Arts graduate's ego swells with self righteous superiority that fools their fellow useless union bureaucrat.

    This idiot supposedly led a campaign against the privatisation of Sydney water but no one told her that tap water does not come directly out of a river nor a dam. If applied the it would add to the runoff that was swelling the waterways.

    She is in fact a classic Lysenkoist (who pioneered false science in the USSR). McManus would be so humiliated by now that she may very well be wishing that she had the same power of Lysenko who had those who disagreed with him jailed and/or executed.

    Lysenko, (like Mcmanus) had hair brained theories on in his case the planting of crops in winter as long as they had been temperature treated. Famines that resulted were blamed on those who disagreed with his hair brained anti-genetics theories. McManus can only dream of such power ... at least until the greens gain power and begin to implement their useless policies guaranteed to produce an economic disaster.
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