I think it is pretty piss poor that scott pulled out of the...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    I think it is pretty piss poor that scott pulled out of the Olympics. The Olympics with the support of the players could become a bit of a 5th major.

    Scott says that family and scheduling impacted on his commitment, but he's had years to plan his schedule.

    It's a slap in the face to those who have sacrificed their careers and money to represent Australia and win gold. He's worth millions and is privileged enough to earn millions because of amateurs decades before him.

    I don't buy that golf is not an Olympic sport. It's the Olympics and it's about winning gold for your country in sports which are recognised on an international stage So of course golf is as international as it gets. . The Olympics is not for amateurs any more and all sports should be represented.

    What a shame so many Olympians give up everything to earn an Olympic spot but Scott, a multi millionaire can't find the time in his schedule.
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