Adani Coal Mine, page-4

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The mine went to the lands court in Queensland. There were lengthy studies done on the impact to ground water mainly from both sides and the affect on the Barrier reef. The lands court ruled the mine was too great a threat to the ground water in Qld and would destroy prime farming land. The Lands court ruled the mine could not go ahead.
    You have to understand there was another energy company in Qld that poisoned the underground water supply in Qld after a botched program of underground coal burning. Now we have a town near Toowoomba who's ground water has been poisoned by very toxic chemicals used by the local Army base. The people living in the affected area were told not to use the ground water, not to shower with it, not to grow crops in the area affected and not even use eggs from chooks in that area. Needless to say it has destroyed property prices. This did not just affect farming properties but also the town as well.

    The government which is in dire straights with debt. It took 5billion dollars out of superannuation funds to pay its debts and interest on loans needs the mine to create jobs so they can stay in power.

    Adani took the Lands court decision to the high court and the high court ruled in favor of the lands court.
    The government still not happy with the Lands court decision and the high court decision and ruled their decision needs more time to consider, ie they desperately need this to stay in power.

    The highest court in the land that rules on environmental issues has ruled the mine is a big risk. This has nothing to do with Greenies as there are a lot of farmers, towns people and the general population up in arms against this mine.

    The government is set to give Adani a billion dollars of tax payer money to start the mine. The government has also offered to forgo a big wack of royalties. You can bet there will be more tax payer money given to Adani.

    Where the hell the government is going to get the money from is a mystery. They have raised vehicle rego again in Qld just recently, perhaps this is their game, tax the crap out of everyone to pay for Adani.
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