AVR 0.55% $9.00 anteris technologies global corp.

Hi suckii, if I may, all pie in the sky mate, we have no data...

  1. 2,477 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 399
    Hi suckii, if I may, all pie in the sky mate, we have no data what's so ever to come to any conclusion at this point in time.

    The market has shown zero regard for this seemingly 'postive' tweet, need figures to substantiate that claim.

    If Admedus cannot disclose any info how can any one answer those questions, they need to back up their claim or just a simple ' adapt sales progressing well' rather then 'hyping' up investors expections with the word 'breakout'.

    Breakout: 'suddenly and extremely popular or successful', give it to the next quarter, then show the hard data to support this claim, don't over promise and possibly under deliver

    Better off ignoring the tweets and waiting for the 'real' news ..... the quarterlies and upcoming announcements!
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Mkt cap ! $183.3M
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$9.03 $9.03 $9.00 $6.674K 741

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2 299 $9.00

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$9.19 278 4
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Last trade - 11.26am 28/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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