add to the alcoholic thread

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    morning all,

    Started this so as not to derail maz thread. I have been meaning to report on this for a while now - it could be of value for some.

    First, a little background on myself. Except for one 10 year period, I have drank booze all my life from about 17 - I am now over 60. I drank too much - and I am about 70kg ish. Last number of years, 2 bottles a day would not be unusual. Drinking every day was the norm.
    Diet - I think I was called the modern term 'salad dodger' - in other words way bent towards carnivore. Didn't mind vegetables, but not keen on salads - and if by myself would just throw a lump of meat in a fry pan and that's it. Favourite out foods on road - bacon and egg burgers, pies etc.. Sandwiches, rolls, hamburgers. Thankfully not fastfoods from Mackas or Kentucky etc.
    I have noticed a tendency toward addiction in my makeup - thankfully not toward drugs other than alcohol - and smoking when I was young.

    OK, that's me.

    Now back a few weeks, maybe toward 2 months - on this forum, I read about gliadin in wheat and how wheat was gm'd in the fifties and how wheat now was nothing like in our mothers day.

    So, - although I have no obvious health problems - I thought I would give wheat the flick and see what happened - mainly because I am slightly overweight and haven't been happy with it and it was a bugger to control ------- psychologically.

    Viola -------------- guess what?

    We will get to ease or non ease of this regime later - but first off the immediate results were dramatic.

    First thing to note ------------- my appetite changed - it lessened, the impulsive craving to eat something - just disappeared - just like magic.

    Alcohol - I could take it or leave it ------------- unheard of. I still feel like a wine after a bad day - but I settle for a light beer now - or nothing - this is a serious big change.

    But, wait, there is more - the salad dodging days look like they are a distant memory.

    To my absolute astonishment and to the disbelief of not only my partner, but my ex partner ------------ I head for the salad on the plate in preference to animal protein.

    I use the word bizzare very reservedly normally - but this almost fits bizzare after all these decades - sort of like the entire population of a major city all levitating at once about 2 metres off the ground - ie. not your average goings on.

    I don't think there is any placebo effect here as all I expected was perhaps a slight change in calorific intake and hopefully a bit of fat disappearing - I was stunned with the alcohol desire dropping and I had zero idea of the change in choice of food.

    Now, a couple of observations.

    1. This is very very easy to do at home - no wheat at all, no rye, in fact, I have given all grains the flick - only had a small amount of rice once for dinner at a friends house.

    2. On the road - this can be bloody hard. There are some places that you just cannot get 'anything' to eat that does not contain wheat.

    You can be saved, however, if a takeaway joint does chicken or ham salads and the like ------ just watch out for stuffing in chicken.
    You are also saved by, believe it or not - hot potato chips - something I loved but would have avoided in the past - but if one is hungry and stuck out - a small serve will do no harm.

    I haven't gone anal about it -- if something comes with wheat attached I just leave the wheat - scrape it away etc. Nor do I mind if fish in batter has been cooked in the same oil as chips - it doesn't seem to upset the apple cart.

    I do now watch like a hawk at things like confectionary - which I don't eat much of anyway -------- but once you are on the anti wheat wagon --------- it is amazing what you read on the ingredients list on sweets, ice creams etc. --
    a hell of a lot of them have glucose in them made from wheat - makes you wonder why?

    Anyway, I hope this is of some interest. I have no idea what is really happening physically - after reading a lot more research, I would not have expected this level of change - but there it is. I do seriously wonder though if all these decades of gliadin playing around with my opiate receptors may have a lot to do with it.

    Weight wise ------ yes, I have dropped some fat - more energy, probably because of a number of factors - and definitely, I can control the fat much easier. To have the choice is wonderful - it is so much easier than before.

    have a great day all

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