Uh oh, as per usual, the sheriff starts to escalate things in...

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    Uh oh, as per usual, the sheriff starts to escalate things in the South China Sea.

    not content with live missile firing exercises on Wednesday in the area, an American destroyer the USS Halsey entered sovereign waters claimed by China near the disputed Paracel Islands, according to a report running Friday on DW.com.

    here's some excerpts:


    "China's military said it issued a warning to a US Navy destroyer in the disputed South China Sea on Friday.The USS Halsey was sailing near the Paracel Islands at the time of the encounter.

    "A spokesperson for China's military said it "organized naval and air forces to tail and monitor the ship in accordance with laws and regulations and issued a warning to drive it away."

    ""The actions by the United States seriously violate China's sovereignty and security," it added.

    "The People's Liberation Army accused Washington of being the "creator of security risks" and said the incident was "yet another iron proof of its navigation hegemony and militarization of the South China Sea."

    "The US Navy confirmed that the USS Halsey "asserted navigational rights and freedoms in the South China Sea near the Paracel Islands."

    ""At the conclusion of the operation, USS Halsey exited the excessive claim and continued operations in the South China Sea," it said.

    ""Unlawful and sweeping maritime claims in the South China Sea pose a serious threat to the freedom of the seas," it added."

    bellcurve: America has had a history of inventing reasons that justify it's genocides in nations it chooses not to like at that time.

    the Gulf of Tonkin incident, found later to be fake, was used by America as justification to invade Vietnam, which resulted in 3 million Vietnamese being killed between the early 1960s and mid 1970s.

    america decided to wreck Iraq because of a fear about weapons of mass destruction that again proved fake.

    remember, for America, it doesn't matter who wins a war, what matters is that a war is being fought somewhere to bolster America's fading imperial ambitions and boost production and profits in its biggest industry - the military industrial complex.

    China builds, America bombs.

    deputy sheriff australia jumps when told to.

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