Advance Australia (fair)

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    You won’t believe this: Black Lives Matter anarchists were madeto abide by the same rules as mainstream Aussies this week.

    Ordered to disperse by riot squad officers in Sydney on Tuesday,the remaining protestors were hauled away and fined by our faithful publicservants. Feel the justice!

    Also this week we learned that GetUp is in Indigenouscommunities enrolling Aboriginals to vote for Greens policies at the NorthernTerrority election next month.

    To quote their First Nations justice campaign director, “Just afew hundred votes can shift an election result in the NT, so that’s exactlywhat we’re going to do.”

    For an organisation that exists to hate on all thingscolonialism, this exploitation of the Indigenous vote is as ironic as it isdisgusting.

    And he may be getting pummelled for it by Labor left, but doesLabor’s resources spokesman’s rationale on coal and climate make him and hisilk federal Labor’s only hope in 2022?

    All this and much more in this week’s blogs.

    Yours sincerely,

    Liz Storer
    National Spokesperson
    Advance Australia

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