lets surmize....an announcement tommorow....that the world banks...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    lets surmize....an announcement tommorow....that the world banks have decided to re-capitalise the value of the dollar....
    just like or similar to a mining company doing a 2:1 share
    reduction....you get only one share for your previous 2 shares
    based on the world financial crisis...
    and that the banks cannot afford to pay more than .50 cents in the dollar towards their debts
    herein lies your 50% reduction in house prices

    but at the same time....it will now cost you $2.00 instead of #1.00.....to acquire that bank loan towards that house, or any other commodity, be it food, fuel , or energy costs

    my deposit with the bank will be halved in value....
    so too will my mortgage bill....
    and the market value of my house
    *** voila therein lies the 50% discount you have been seeking on house prices

    but lets look at your salary....on just $60,0000 it will now have the buying power of only $30,000 per annum
    that sounds fine...since houses have halved in value....
    so far so good....
    but what about all the other everday costs of living....
    where you had $60,0000 to spend on rent , food etc....
    it is now equivalent to $30,0000....
    so everything costs twice as much....
    and the banks....now happy to increase their leverage....based on the halving of the dollar value....
    will be using figures double the value they used to use...to determine your ability to finance the loan....

    your ability to finance the loan is suddenly reduced by 50%.....
    my energy bill has been increased by 300% in just one year....regardless that I use less energy.....
    do you really think any govt will care if your housing costs rise by the same %.....
    there is a new order out there today......it is far more evasive, and destructive ...than a simple reduction in house prices...
    I have my doubts that most of you can fathom the extent
    of the financial crisis, that is ecompassing the financial climate today,,,,,,,
    nor understand it....
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