diligent. Their politics do not match ours,like many many other...

  1. 567 Posts.
    diligent. Their politics do not match ours,like many many other countries. Why havent we 'liberated' China ?
    If Tibet was off Iran the west would have been in there by now.
    How many years did Russia and China withhold 'freedom of expression' and all other freedoms ? I dont seem to recall the west storming in there,do you ?
    Looking at Russia today are you not glad that the cold war did not eventuate into anything more.

    The murderous fanatical people as you discribe them,are in reality the same murderous fanatics that fought against the Nazi's as the 'Resistance'
    The same fanatics that fought against the white man in the US,Australia,Africa and a hundred other countries that have been invaded for "their" sake over the centuries.
    And you can throw Palistine in at the top of todays list.

    Do you not get amased how the Americans can be so arrogant in their disbelief of the extent that invaded people will go to to preserve their way of life ?
    Consider what the Red Indians went through and the compensation that is still being paid out till this day.I dont hear many yanks say that was a memorial chapter in their history

    I think we have to put politics aside before we use strong words to discribe a peoples behaviour when they are being invaded. I doubt very much that there is not an Aussie who would not become 'fanatical'if we experienced the same Liberation !

    Two of the Euro's who refused to get involved in Iraq were Germany and France. Guess what ? its a complete shambles because there was never an exit strategy and neither of those two same countries lost a soul over it.
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