afghanistan situation grim says rudd, page-8

  1. 567 Posts.
    If you want to recite history fine,but get your facts right.If the yanks had listend to Churchill there would never had been a Russia as we know it today,let alone the need for an airlift.
    The yanks did as the did in ww1 and sat on their fat butts for two years making trillions out of those that were in it from the begiining. An estimated 2-250 American millionaires were made before wars end.

    You missed my point entirely when i mentioned the cold war.What i was saying is thank god we didnt go to war with them when one considers where that country is today.They got there on there own without another war.Therefore who is to say that these other countries who are presently being 'liberated' wont get there on there own without any of us being killed

    Drugs, are you for real ? Who introduced drugs in todays form ?
    Are you aware of the great American hero in Vietnam who used his dead mates body bags to ship dope back to the states ?
    Atheletes and drugs,what ever you do dont tell the yanks
    about performance enhancing drugs.They may want to start using them and just about take over the Olympics.

    Are you aware where petrol sniffing here in Australia by young Aboriginals stemmed from ?

    Do you remember that great lie called Vietnam.Do you remember how without our help those little commies would take over the whole region with the Domino effect.

    Have you checked out how many Aussies visit there on holiday now.

    So dil,what else do you do with yourself when you are not a red neck flag waver who believes all propaganda by those that have to justify killing people?
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