African Youth in Victoria, the Facts, page-47

  1. 4,825 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 925
    To begin with that’s just sad. You seem to feel that you owe something to people your nation & fellow taxpayers are accomodating. Those people should be helping your community, not the other way round. They have housing, clothing & food from we taxpayers. That is sufficient for them to survive & should engender gratitude such that they would go out & engage with the local community in a positive & proactive way.

    Besides that?
    Doesn’t add up when we look at the Ozzy experience.
    Polish? Straight from Nazi/Communist rule & they didn’t cause much worry.
    Italians? Similar story.
    Vietnamese? Different war, same story.

    The list goes on and on. With our African friends we are letting in people that come from a culture, not a moment, that is extremely violent & prone to criminality.
    The Polish etc do not. A war is far different to a warring society. Africans are at each other’s ( & everyone else’s ) throats all the time.

    Peace is the rarity in Africa, violence/criminality is the norm. It was before Europeans got there, still is today & probably will be for a long time yet.

    The Africans who were born in the U.K give an honest appraisal- the new arrivals from Africa scare the pants off them. “We talk about attacking someone before we do it but these guys fresh off the boat? They just walk up & start stabbing you out of the blue- we’ve had to up our game to maintain our position”.

    They don’t call Africa the dark continent for nothing. They don’t call Oz the lucky country for no reason. It’s a lot easier to make a lucky country go downhill that it is to make a dark continent come in to the light.

    Never forget that we’re dealing with people fresh from a place where ‘kill the White farmer’ & other horrid songs like that are commonplace.

    Even albino Africans are targeted for their skin colour. They are routinely murdered & their bodies butchered for use in witchcraft ( no, not voodoo- voodoo comes from Europe ). That includes young kids & even babies.

    About the best we can hope to do is keep the new arrivals well fed & wait till they bear a new generation which will be slightly less problematic than them.

    I saw an episode of ‘go back where you came from’ on SBS where the African father says its wrong to hold refugee parents responsible for their kid’s actions. The irony of the fact that his people & the far left then cherry pick history & hold all White people to eternal account for slavery didn’t seem to strike anyone. Sitting there telling the people who’s race was the first to truly fight slavery that we don’t have the right to hold him accountable for his family’s actions in our own nation was just priceless.

    Slavery exists today in Africa & don’t for a second think that it’s only Africans that are the victim.
    Don’t even ask what some people there think ( a thought which is followed by horrific action ), is a cure for HIV. ( I’d advise not even looking it up if you’ve just eaten or are getting ready to ).

    Should we help people? Sure. Only when our Police & emergency services have nothing to do.

    Can anyone honestly say that their Police/Medical personnel relatives sit around bored at work & come home complaining they’d like to see more action?

    My experience says that those good people already have their hands full as it is. ( Police giving up on certain crimes in certain areas is evidence for that ). To me that means that no, we can not take in any more people, especially ones that offend at a far higher rate.

    Lastly I’d like to see us stop using the phrase ‘over represented’. It’s a way to make the fact that they are high rate offenders sound a bit better. A person is not ‘represented’ in crime statistics. They are either offenders or not, low or high rate offenders.
    A person is chosen to represent something. They do not gain that position by their own choice.

    It’s almost as bad as calling pedophile gangs ‘grooming gangs’ & is yet another display of the way that the far left uses words in a biased/dishonest way to shape perception.

    Africans are ‘over represented’ while Bikies are described as high risk individuals or high rate offenders.

    A black person harming a non black person is just a criminal & a robbery for example is simply called a robbery.
    A non black person that harms a black person is a racist & a verbal argument for example is called a shocking racist attack.

    Notice a pattern? Some have noticed & we are just plain tired of the whole charade.
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