Subject world gold markets - march Posted 08/03/05 10:08 - 31...

  1. 3,144 Posts.

    Subject world gold markets - march
    Posted 08/03/05 10:08 - 31 reads
    Posted by dingo37
    Post #98920 - start of thread - splitview

    World Gold Markets - March 7
    AAP News
    10:13:020 8/03/2005
    London gold fixing 1030....US$433.60
    London gold fixing 1500....US$433.00
    London gold closing........US$434.00/434.80
    Kruggerand Gold (London)...US$426.10/429.10
    Zurich Gold Pool ..........US$433.00-436.00
    Zurich Gold Spot ..........US$434.10-434.90
    Paris gold morning.........EURO 10,000 per kg
    Paris gold afternoon.......EURO 10,000 per kg
    U.S. Englehard gold (bullion).............US$434.39
    U.S. Englehard (fabricated)...............US$466.97
    U.S. Handy & Harman-bullion (base price)..US$433.00
    U.S. Handy & Harman-bullion (fabricated)..US$467.64
    International Mkt. Local Mkt
    Hong Kong gold open........US$434.70-435.20 HK$4034
    Hong Kong gold 1230........US$434.90-435.40 HK$4038
    Hong Kong closing..........US$434.50-435.00 HK$4037
    Sourcedata: Reuters
    DINGO 37
    good luck to all who dare

    [email protected]

    Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

    Subject re: world gold markets - march
    Posted 08/03/05 10:12 - 22 reads
    Posted by costics
    Post #98921 - in reply to msg. #98920 - splitview

    HC membership breakdown
    80% of members = members of the herd that doesnt think or speak for themselves
    10% independant thinkers who do their own research
    5% - sucker day traders who lose a bundle
    3% have some real intelligence and prosper in big ways
    3% - have no idea and just go with the flow

    See if you can spot the glitch in this sig

    Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

    in answer to your sig question But please no caustic kiss.

    Subject re: world gold markets - march
    Posted 08/03/05 10:15 - 14 reads
    Posted by mopom
    Post #98922 - in reply to msg. #98921 - splitview

    You are usless at adding up ;101 % ?????????????????
    ......PLEASE; "donate blood today;it only takes you 30 mins. but can last a lifetime for a sick person."......

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