GGE ann -- Red Helium Project Drill Permit Secured • Jesse-3...

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    GGE ann -- Red Helium Project Drill Permit Secured
    • Jesse-3 Application for Permit to Drill (APD) has received technical and regulatory
    approval from the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (UDOGM).
    • Jesse-3 will test deeper pay below the Leadville primary target by casing and
    perforating the entire basinal stratigraphic section.

    GMN ann -- quiriçá results extend area of Very Highly Anomalous Rare Earths on
    Down Under REE Project
    Gold Mountain Limited (ASX: GMN) (“Gold Mountain” or “the Company” or “GMN”) is
    excited to announce it has received a batch of 54 stream sediment samples from the Irajuba
    tenements in the Down Under Project area. Very high grade results in stream sediment
    samples demonstrate that the Jiquiriçá tenements in Down Under have excellent REE
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