Afternoon trading February 16, page-52

  1. 75 Posts.
    Reposting* as I accidentally posted this in the morning thread after the afternoon thread was already open.

    One I've been looking at for a while which might be worth looking into is NEU.

    Neuren Pharmaceuticals (ASX: NEU) today reported that in its Phase 1 trial twice daily oral dosing of NNZ-2591 for seven days was safe and well tolerated in healthy volunteers.

    This is actually incredible because it's the only drug in the world that is being created to treat a number of neurodevelopmental disorders in the US and Europe. Given the fact that it's the only drug of its kind, it's been granted orphan status which means the company is eligible for additional assistance to develop this treatment.

    One of the conditions that this drug may treat is Prada Willi Syndrome, which was just announced today as being added to the pipeline after successful tests on mice:

    Key symptoms were eliminated after treatment with NNZ-2591 in Magel2-null mouse
    model of Prader-Willi syndrome:
    o Both dose levels normalised all behavioral deficits
    o Obesity eliminated by high dose
    o Abnormally high insulin levels reduced to normal by high dose
    o Abnormally low levels of circulating IGF-1 increased to normal by high dose
    o Low dose partially improved obesity, insulin levels and circulating IGF-1 levels
    o NNZ-2591 had no impact on normal mice - the consistent ability to treat impaired
    animals successfully, but have no effects on normal animals (“state-dependent”
    effects) is a valuable attribute of NNZ-2591

    This is potentially huge news in my opinion and, if successful, they will have a worldwide market to themselves.

    I think it's a bargain atm, but either way *watch this space*

    Not advice, just my opinion of course.
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