Funny how Labor is "ALL FOR THE WORKING MAN!" in all their...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    Funny how Labor is "ALL FOR THE WORKING MAN!" in all their bill-boarding! The WORKING MAN'S party.

    ARE they?

    In fact, they reneg on this falsity daily, with their utterly hypocritical stance, very very drastically unjust and unfair, in their constant pursuit and sneering re. John Howard being "too old" - and we need someone "new" - "time for a change!"

    Can't people see this for what it is??. Blatant hypocrisy - and personal harrassment which wouldn't be tolerated by them in any workplace! Well, so they make out to voters in their false advertising.

    They try to make out he;s had it - when in actual fact he's been one of our finest Prime Ministers - and, as is evedent has done a fantsatic job of it over the past 11 half years.
    At least he's not a sleaze - a conniver - full of humbug.

    And this is but one example of their blatant hypocrisy.

    Every day, we are hearing news of various TV and other "personalities" being shunted aside and retrenched in Australia - because they committed the crime of developing a few wrinkles.

    There is this awful perception in OZ that old is not beautiful. Get rid of them - and put in the one with less wrinkles.

    In the USA, quite the reverse - where many many top class and professionally sharp TV anchor men and women, and news readers and commentators, are quite long in the tooth - very long in the tooth in some instances. As are many newly elected Presidents!

    Their work force ethic and attitudes also value age and experience - it is the norm over there now that many companies, with regard to older retired people, are actively recruiting them back and offering them inventives to re-join the workforce, such is their experience in their field and so highly valued is their knowledge. If they want to work - why not!!

    No, not here. Young is the go. Older - you're out. Gretel what's her name from "Big Blather" is the latest victim of these ageist and discriminatory policies - which are all shallow mindset.

    Not so with the Labor Party. If they truly believed what they preach - their support of ANY working man, or woman, whatever their field, if genuine, would surely support him or her THROUGHOUT their working life - that is, their right to work, as long as he or she can hold the job, and is healthy and capable. Even if well into their seventies (Rupert Murdoch!) Labor adhere to their supposed loudly vaunted principles of support for "THE WORKING MAN (or woman!).

    But no - what are they telling us???

    John Howard - (WORKING MAN) - oh no - he's too b+++++y old - so he's got to go!!! Repalce him -= replace hom. Never mind what with - it's just that younger must automatically be better!!

    Isn't this hypocritical window dressing below the belt stuff sheer harrassment of OUR Prime Minister - who is doing a b+++y good job! and, if he still wants to - should be able to do the job as long as he wants to if he's up to it (and he is!!) He's even been honest enought to give people a retirement date target when he thinbks he wiol eventually give it up/ But hasn't he earned that??? Just like any bloke in any workplace.
    Really, I think he deservred a medal just for the levels of sheer nastiness and vitriol thrown at him on a daily basis.! Which Unions wouldn't tolerate in a workplace - would they!!

    No, Labor's pursuit of and harrassment and relentless hauranging and belittling of John Howard would not be tolerated in a workplace from a boss to an employee - )(their Unions would be thumpoing in quick smart!) [and, after all, John Howard IS just an employee -like any other - of the Australian public. Yet these pompous self-righteous Labor pollies trumpeting their endless politically correct slogans all day long are happy to stand by and see this decent man so unjustly pilloried and reviled -just because he asserts his right to keep working beyond some "cut off point" the Labor Party heavies now insist should be imposed on JUST HIM!!

    Yet, they preach - they are for the working man- but with heavily calculated qualifications. Depends who he is - and if he suits them and their hypocrisy!

    And the "he's too old" catchcry of the Labor Party is a serious insult to the many older men and women (many much older than Howard) who are heading up companies and running their own successful businesses and doing other valuable and highly esteemed work in so many areas of the community.

    A Union Rep going into a workplace and supporting a rogue boss's view that, suddenly, "this man has to go because I happen to think he's now too old for the job" routine??? I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THAT!!!

    Labor is shallow and phony. One rule for some - but when it suite them - out come the steel tipped boots.

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