''If the same service is offered to those who pay their own way...

  1. 81,321 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''If the same service is offered to those who pay their own way and those who don't then there is a perverse incentive not to save for one's old age.''

    and there is it again ------- this kind of thinking that comes out of the mouths of conservatives and right wingers

    why do they bring this kind of thing up? It's the same as 'if you get paid lots of money to do nothing, you will, you'll go to the beach and go surfing'

    same kind of thinking ----------- why is it?

    it's because that's exactly how right wing peanuts think.

    What they miss is that others DON'T think like that at all. Indeed the smarter half of the mob think and act like Maslow's hierarchy of needs -

    when one has one's basic security in place ---- say by being paid enough to live in a good accommodation, enough to eat well, kept healthy and when one is educated - without the stress of having to work to pay for it -

    THEN one goes on to develop - whilst in the minds of right wingers, they'd be off to the beach ------ people with actual brains and good character - would be off making the world a better place and doing good for mankind, making a better species

    here is how it works ---------- and note, that Oz isn't on the bottom step - it's the reason why Australia is such a tiddler and bit player ------------ it's got the wrong attitude to put in place good government to get to the bottom stages, the most basic of all -

    Screenshot 2024-02-26 095432.png
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