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agm could be fun, page-2

  1. 2,645 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Rabooth, as the AGM will be opened by the right honourable DG I don't think any of tose words wil be used.

    I would envisage "incredible future ahead [CR proposed]", "6 sure fire can't miss holes being drilled for no idea what [CR proposed so don't miss out]", CEO to get increased salary package [CR proposed so donate passionately]", "2010/2011 was an exceptional year and we intend to build on that this year via a CR", "the management group will be increased with the introduction of expertise, experience and knowledge far beyond anything that was previously possible. The 6 trained monkeys are currently undergoing induction. [CR proposed]".

    This financial year we will be busier than ever. Last year we had 4 a total of CR's and this year we intend to have 8. This represents an increase in activity by your management of 100%.

    No need to thank us! It is the least we could do.

    CR rai

    ng comi

    g so don

    t mi

    ss out
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